My Foundation

The Art of Reiki
Reiki Certified 1st and 2nd Degree by Master Youngar.
March 4th & 5th 2017
Reiki is safe, gentle, non-invasive form of hands on healing. Recipients report their experience of Reiki includes increased energy, reduction of pain, deep relaxation, and a general feeling of well-being.
Reiki initiation attunes a practitioner to become a channel for the Reiki energy and its powerful, life-changing experience for physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

Metaphysics 2014-2016
"Universal Intelligence, being the creator of all things, thus lives and exists in all things, which can be thought of as the existence of an ultimate unity. Unity symbolizes love, and love is the spirit of Universal Intelligence, or God."
- Dr. Paul Leon Masters

Kabbalah 2013-2015
Kabbalah is an ancient wisdom that reveals how the universe and life works. On a literal level, the Kabbalah means "to receive". It is the study of how to receive fulfillment in our lives.
Certified Lemurian Healer
Certified Crystal Healer
7 year Spiritual Trainer
Daughter of the American Revolution
1 year Apprenticeship via Master Medium
Meredith walked & learned with Alice ("Alicja") Jones, a Reiki Master healer, author, and teacher. Located in North Virginia.
Born in Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland, She has always had high psychic abilities, her first name – Stanislawa– translates into Light, and her middle name – Alicja, from which Alice is derived – translates into Truth. That is what she brings to her Spiritual and Past Life readings — Light and Truth.
Alice channels wisdom from Spirit, including: your angels, guides, ancestors, your Higher Power, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, the Devic kingdom, the Brotherhood of White Light, and the Council of Twelve to bring you messages which many times include PAST LIVES and how they impact this life.
She offers clarification about relationships, health, career, education, and life purpose. Jones is also the Lead Minister of the Rays of Healing Church (Burke, VA branch), an intuitive counselor, energy healer, and author.
Meredith studied all 4 levels of Reiki with Alice and was certified in the Usui Reiki tradition. Mixed with Angel natural Healing techniques. @alice.alicja.jones
Grand Master Dr. Mikao Usui
Dr. Hayashi
Mrs. Takata
Arleen Green
Alice Jones
Meredith Myers
February 8th - July 25th 2020
Reiki I - reiki refresher
Reiki II - reiki refresher
Reiki III
Reiki Master Teacher
Meredith walks & learned from A.L. (Andrea) Garris,
The Woman who Walks with Angels. @a.l.garris
Teams of Light, Angels, Star Families, and all those who come in the greatest degree of love and consciousness of Christ. Andrea works with an Inter-Galactic team of Light Beings. ACTIVATING and REMEMBERING WHO I Am. As a Higher Dimensional LIFE GUIDE, Andrea facilitates Conscious Conversation Sessions to assist one in removing OLD PROGRAMMING and implementing NEW BELIEFS AND PROGRAMS to ALIGN one with their HIGHEST TIMELINE, Now. ACASMA Energy Consciousness reconnects individuals to their Zero Point, and this Reconnection RE-establishes one's Pure Energetic Signature.
August 24th - Nov 6th 2020
Acasma Quantum Energy Facilitator I
5D Angelic Connection Facilitator
AQE Reconnection Facilitator
AQE Light Language Soul Communicator
AQE Sacred Heart Reconnection Facilitator
Aug 4th-25th 2021 AQE Foundations II
Oct 13-Nov 9th 2021 AQE Level III
AQE Master Teacher Foundations I
Nov 29th 2021-Jan 17th 2022
AQE Master Teacher Foundations II
March 28th 2022-May 30th 2022
AQE Master Teacher Foundations III
June 6th 2022-8/8 2022
AQE Grand Master DEA
Cosmic Remembrance & Wings of Light Teacher 10/10/22-1/2/23
Rise of The Goddess Teacher 6/21/22-12/21/22
Acasma Galactic Shaman 1.1 Facilitator & Teacher 2/3/23-3/24/23
AQE Sound Healing & Light Language
Facilitator & Teacher 5/19/23-7/14/23