Lemurian Healing Certification

Welcome to the sacred lands of Lemuria & Mount Shasta. Welcome to the cosmic greatness of Pleiades & the Milky Way. Hold my hand tight as we skip merrily down the path of chakras alignment & crystal programming. Strengthening your connection to the great Lemurian Ascended Masters & Angels. This form of energetic healing is considered a spiritual boost. Great for those that are drained & needing a pick me up. You will receive 7 different symbols to send during your sessions. These are a great for anyone struggling with anxiety & low self esteem. Lemurian healing is a beautiful compliment to reiki. You will receive 3 guided meditations & one chakra opening video. Book two live sessions with me here. We will go over the book & crystals you will need for this course on our first call. After you perform the rituals & show up to your 2 live calls. Then I will send you a Majestik Lemurian certification. The last call I will perform your attunment. I healed & grew SO much when I was certified by my teacher. I recommend taking all the time you need to finish. I only charge for my time & never my gifts. I welcome you with open arms.