Past Life Reading

Welcome to my past life reading. I have been performing these behind the senses for the past year. I will perform a ceremony to access your past incarnations. Then I will send you a video response card reading. Last I will write & record a custom meditation. It will take some time for you to receive all the content. I will be in contact with you in each step. Once you receive your personal meditation, make sure to upload it to your google drive app. This way it won’t expire & you can keep it for the long term. Send me a list of music that you enjoy. Songs that help you heal or feel inspired. That way I can mix them into your meditation. The visual I will take you down in the meditation will help you:
See through the eyes of your past incarnations, align your chakras, invoke your past spiritual gifts, manifest, mend holistically & mend any past life pains. This reading is a remembrance in honoring your past adventures & gifts. Let’s get back to the basics, strengthen your roots & remind your soul of all that you have experienced. Take my hand & let’s dance in the light of the divine Akashic records together.